Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Adrea: John, Julie, Trev, Kinley

This is a blog, right? And even though we are en route to being quite the professional photographers, I'm allowed to show a little weakness, right? I am now fully and completely confident I can get stunning pictures of kids (no, ego isn't the weakness I'm confessing to). It's that fitting that whole family together that still gives me jitters before I go into a shoot.

This family was helpful because they didn't push me out the door. We didn't have "the shot" and even though I was pretty sure I could 'tweak' what we had, they let me double back and take another set, just in case. I ended up with A LOT of photos... but I think some good lessons learned.


Molly W. said...

Very pretty!! Love those Davis'!!

Unknown said...

So I am not professional...but I find taking pictures of kids MUCH easier too. Less intimidating than adults I guess...I don't know. Your pictures are nice though!