Sunday, July 27, 2008

Adrea: 6am Experiment

I wish I had more freedom like that to just pull off the road and take a picture when something strikes my fancy, like Sarah did looking at this tree here:

But City Hall was our first destination

Then the bridge. Have I mentioned Sarah has no fear of not knowing where she's going?

Thanks to Sarah for the pain and suffering of waking up. I had fun... I needed a nap, but I was thrilled with the adventure.


Creative Mama said...

I love the lighting you caught... and the no parking sign... :) swinging just parallel to my car... AND no... I have no fear of getting lost... especially in the day time... and with my dear Ada...

diane said...

Hurray for 5a.m. and That bridge is crazyily photogenic (or perhaps, you both are just very good)